Tuesday 19 April 2016

Teenager VS The World

Being a teenager is hard, stuff happens, you change, you learn things for life, you get more independence, but it's not all that pretty, When you turn 18 you're officially an adult, you get paid more, you can buy alcohol, life gets better, but these middle two years are hard, you want to do things people are doing but you're simply not old enough. You may even have more maturity than some 18 year old's (I certainly know I do) but that doesn't matter, it's all about the big 18.

I really don't understand why a 16/17 year old should pay an adults fee to go on a bus or to go and see a film when we get paid minimum wage. Being paid less means we can't afford to do as much as an 18 year old can PLUS we're doing exactly the same work! Having said all that there are places that I've worked that have paid the same to everyone then increased your wage the longer you're with them which I think is much fairer.

I can't really think of a way to explain the next thing I want to say so I'm just going to end this blog post with this which I found from the Metro website...

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