Sunday 26 April 2015

3 West End Musicals you HAVE to see!

I am probably one of the biggest theatre lovers going at the moment and i totally love going down to London to see a West End show. So i thought i would come up with a little-list of shows you must see before they finish!

1. The Lion King - an adaptation of Disney's incredible animation. Set in Africa, the show uses incredible traditional African costumes to disguise the actors as animals from the Savannah. Not only is it visually stunning, but the staging and the music is incredible.

2. Les Miserables - Obviously this was gonna come up somewhere in the list but being the longest running show in the west end it's got to feature in this list somewhere!? The Ballads in this show are extraordinary and the simple but effective set is just mind-boggling and it is definitely worth going to see! They now have surround sound installed in the theatre so the gunshots feel SO REAL.

3. Billy Elliott - The tale of a Durham Boy Ballet Dancer in the time of the miners strike is obviously going to be an interesting story! I saw this a couple of years ago and recently saw it again in the cinema when it was broadcasted. This musical will have you laughing one minute then in tears the next.

So there you have it, my top 3 west end musicals! There is also this thing in the summer called 'Kids Week' where you can get FREE tickets for shows so it's definitely worth checking out!

I'm probably gonna try and blog regularly because i enjoy it haha please subscribe though!!

Saturday 25 April 2015


There are many things that I don't like and i thought i could share a few with you because then if you agree with one then i know i'm not the only person who this this! Haha!

1. People who go to the toilet without flushing.

- Apart from it being unhygienic, it's not exactly something I want to see left in the toilet basin. ALL YOU HAVE TO FREAKIN' DO IS PUSH A BUTTON OR PULL A HANDLE!!

2. People who think they're better than someone because they've got higher grades.

- Everyone has different qualities, some people are academic and some people aren't, and to be honest i don't particularly see what the issue is with someone deciding to take their gcse's a year later? It's probably a better option for them because everyone learns at different paces and that's not something to be ashamed of, timing is different for all of us.

3. Bullying

- I could probably go on for hours talking about this but i'm going to try and keep it short. Bullying is the most disgusting and horrendously vile thing I think I have ever come across. Someone choosing to pick on a vulnerable person day in day out because they are 'different' is just totally wrong. I have been bullied a lot in the past and it feels horrible and i'm currently not attending a school because it got so bad i couldn't face seeing people my age because i felt i couldn't trust anyone. But now i'm coming out the other end of the tunnel so trust me, If you are being bullied, you have to tell someone,I can understand why you wouldn't want to and i know school goes on and on and on about it all the time but it's the best thing you can do,  Don't retaliate because the bullies could use that to make you look like you're in the wrong.

So there are 3 things that really just PISS ME OFF. Please do check out my YouTube channel and perhaps leave a comment on a video saying you came from my blog :)

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Partial Eclipse

OK so I'm no science enthusiast, but one of the things i have been counting down to for about a month now is the Partial Eclipse on 20th March from around 08:00-10:45

For anyone who doesn't know what an Eclipse is....

Partial solar eclipses happen when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, but they don't align in a perfectly straight line. Because of this, the Moon only partially covers the Sun's disc.

I am yet to see one because they only come every 26 years or so and I am not that old! Where I live is surrounded by countryside so I should be able to get a good view of it.